Hello, adventurers!

Guess who’s here? It’s yours truly – a mom of three teenagers on a mission to share adventures in an attempt to help others learn about the world around them, and get unstuck.

April 2012, a few days before my first race as an adult-onset runner.

The story began back when my youngest, Mountain Kid 3, was just my sidekick and a tiny explorer. It was a time of change sparked by the loss of my grandfather to diabetes complications. That heartbreaking event ignited a fire within me to take charge of my health.

Health journeys are no walk in the park. I used to be a semi-consistent workout warrior, pushing my limits and trying to eat healthy, until I hit the age of 38 and started adventuring while dealing with peri-menopause. Suddenly, weight gain became my uninvited companion. Physical challenges seemed to multiply. Just when I thought I’d bounce back, the COVID pandemic start.

My mental health took a hit. Being the introvert that I am, pandemic restrictions left me feeling trapped, unable to express myself or find a healthy mental escape. I let my fears take the reins — blogging, self-care, everything — came to a screeching halt.

One of the few times I tried to restart my fitness journey and felt like I was doing a decent job.

Recent life changes — a new job and the realization that my oldest kid would be leaving for college soon — brought to mind the words of the late Steve Prefontaine: “To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.” Taking these words to heart, like Ted Lasso’s “Believe” sign, I found a renewed perspective. Life started looking like a series of small victories weaving into something pretty cool.

Now, let me clarify – I’m no expert. No dietician certificate hanging on my wall. But I’ve got a culinary arts degree, a lifelong love affair with exercise, and a fascination with the intricate link between mental, spiritual, and physical well-being.

I’ve set a five-year goal to spend less time concentrating on my career and more time doing what sets my soul on fire — sharing information and stories about things I love. I’ve lived in Appalachia, Mississippi, and rural North Carolina. They all share many similarities, some of which I hope to share here.

My blog’s mission from day one – and it still stands – is to be a lifeline for folks in Appalachia and underserved communities. I want to be the bridge connecting them to resources, helping them kick whatever monkey is riding their back, and maybe, just maybe, make the struggles a bit less heavy by embarking on epic adventures together.

So, why not restart blogging now?

My goal is to put my avid, but lackluster, gardening and recipes on my other blog, “Flooded Garden.” But here, in the realm of Mountain Mama Adventures, we’re diving deep into my family’s escapades and my quest to help others by chronically the good and bad of my fitness journey.

Are you ready to reignite the spirit of adventure with me? Let’s kick off this journey and bounce some awesome ideas off each other. Let’s gooooo!